3 Recipes for leftover Rotisserie Chicken

I love leftover land, most of the people I know live between “I forgot my phone Avenue” and “Where are my keys Blvd.” We all seem to be in a rush now days, much more rushed than we use to be. That’ s why leftover land is so highly populated and growing 😉

plate of pita bread

So here are three time saving tips for leftover Rotisserie Chicken. Salads are healthy and fast but how about making a Fattoush salad and kick up the protein and crunch while you’re at it. Fattoush is also a great way to use up any flatbread or pita you have leftover.  It’s simply your favorite greens and veggies . Simply drizzle your favorite flavor of Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oils over the pita and toast, then when golden crumble up in salad and add cut up grilled chicken. Full recipe Bon Appetit


grilled chicken on salad

Italian chicken salad is a great way to use up your leftover chicken. Add chopped chicken into greens add a bit of roasted peppers and red onions a little slivered almonds and capers how about a little sliced basil for that little extra something. Add Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oil to all ingredients and mix together. Sounds good to me.

Speaking of Italian who doesn’t love a little gnocchi every once in awhile? Here is a great recipe for when you are in the mood for a bit of a cream sauce for those cold Michigan Summer nights 😉

baked gnocchi

Or my personal favorite chicken taco with Miriam’s famous chimichuri sauce sprinkled on top and a bit of Hot Splash as a finisher. oooh weee!!

Till next time take good care,

Kristi and Miriam


Whenever you are ready here is another way we can help you. We will be in South Haven Michigan Sept. 1-2nd for the All Crafts Fair

If you can’t make it to the Fair and you would like Free Shipping on 4 bottles of Canary Island Olive Oil go to our Etsy site.

3 Easy Things to Take to a Picnic

What can I take to a get together that’s easy to make? A quick recipe is less stressful and usually more delicious than a super time-consuming recipe? I mean if you’re too tired to enjoy the party than slaving over the oven for 6 hours wasn’t worth it 😉

Try out an easy recipe that can be used in multiple ways. These garlicky tomatoes can be served as an appetizer or save some for yourself and in the morning scramble your eggs and top with the goat cheese and the tomatoes… oh yeah!

marinated tomatoes

Marinated Garlicky Tomatoes OMG

So make the tomatoes and serve them on a baguette with either hummus for the dairy free or cream cheese and feta mixed with Canary Island Olive Oil

Next, let’s make an easy pasta salad, everybody loves a great pasta dish. If you can’t have wheat there are all kinds of wheat-free pasta out there nowadays.  Or use those great spiralizers for zucchini and make a salad with only veggies. I love that!

Or go old school for the days you just want to grab a knife and get to work! No extra equipment needed.

sliced zucchini

I love sauteeing the zucchini and carrots after I’ve cut them like this it’s great for a quick take on pasta. Or make a great shaved zucchini salad and use Splash but don’t slice them thin just use the veggie peeler to make long thin slices.


As a main entree, a chicken salad with just chopped chicken and avocado and maybe some olives would be easy to add to the get-together.

chicken and feta on greens If you want more involved here is a traditional chicken salad with mayo and avocado

Till next time, Take good care and stay well. We would love to stay connected via Social Media we can connect on www.facebook.com/vigoacuisine

Miriam and Kristi


Here’s another way we can help you whenever you’re ready.

Grab a couple bottles of Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oil on our Etsy site and save 5.00 when you use the code LOVE2SHOP



Which Vegetables are Good for Grilling

Grilled veggies are great on the day you grill them and also as leftover on a panini or on some pasta. It’s an easy way to add veggies to your diet without effort. That is no effort after you grill them 😉

grilled corn on the cob

Here’s a list of great veggies to use on the grill.

I Love Corn on the grill it’s easy and fast and if you have leftover you can use it in a salsa or mix it with quinoa and beans and make an afternoon salad.

  • Mushroom, Shitake, Button or Portabello mushrooms are great marinated in Canary Island Olive Oil and a bit of red wine and balsamic vinegar
  • My favorite is Eggplant mixed with the portabello and then serve it on top of a baguette with hummus. Hallelujah!!!
  • Squash and Zucchini always a favorite and so easy to cook al dente my favorite to add the leftovers to a homemade soup, why wouldn’t you!
  • Purple Onions
  • Red Onions (because they are sweet) and colored peppers of all shapes and sizes, if you are brave through some jalapenos on there!
  • Asparagus and grape tomatoes  ( need a grill pan for these) or you will be ducking and weaving to keep them out of the fire.

So, tell me now, are you going to save us some of your veggies you grill? Because I totally want to put some in a breakfast wrap or on a veggie pizza or shoot can you just put a little Canary Island Olive Oil into some feta or goat cheese and serve it on a cracker with the veggies on top!!

Take good care,

Miriam and Kristi


Here’s another way we can help. Are you trying to reduce inflammation related diseases in your life? Have you been diagnosed with several diseases and you find it hard to eat and still feel good? You will want to check out our new book “There’s No Food in Your Food 


Our Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive OIl is now sold on Amazon


Summer Grilling Tips

grilled shishkabob with tomato mushrooms and tofu

Summer is always better with good friends and good food! Miriam and I love to grill out while we are on our Summer tour. Walleye or Salmon or chicken on the grill, what’s not to love? Whether you use Gas or Charcoal remember to get that grill Hot so the meat and veggies sear when you pop them on there.  Pre-heat the grill for 15-20 minutes for best results. Always clean your grill to get any leftover chars off of there before adding new food.

Keep it Healthy

Steer clear of burning or charring your meats on the grill. According to research not cooking your meat till it burns will help protect against the potential risk of cancer. Also marinating your meat (try marinating is Hot Splash!!) as well as avoiding processed meat and cooking smaller portions to avoid prolonged cooking times, will help you help yourself 😉

grilling hamburgers

To avoid potential flare-ups of the flames when grilling, trim the fat off meats and take the skin off the chicken. By keeping the flames down you will reduce the risk of charring. If all else fails to keep a squirt bottle nearby to tame the flame.

Of course, don’t forget adding fruit and veggies to your BBQ, Miriam loves grilling pineapple and peaches to add to a big salad drizzled with Splash.  Now you got your greens you’re good to go!

grilling corn and zucchini and steak

So here’s to great grilling and enjoying the family and taking a little time to just kick back and relax. I think that’s what the Summer is supposed to be for right? 😉

Let us know how you’re doing.

Talk soon,

Miriam and Kristi


Stay connected on www.facebook.com/vigoacuisine 

Whenever you’re ready here’s another way we can help you.

Need more Splash you can grab a 6 pack with 10.00 Flat Rate shi!pping on our website www.vigoacuisine.com or Free Shipping on a Case if you need more to share at the BBQ

What Vegetables are Best in the Summer

fresh veggies stand with prices on a chalkboardI Love Fresh Veggies! Even back in college when we were all eating Ramen noodles, I would love to add fresh broccoli to mine. Hey, you gotta start somewhere right? 😉 There is no better place than your local Farmer’s Market or CSA to grab your fresh local veggies. Right now Miriam and I are up in Michigan doing shows and just picked up a big batch of heirloom beets and boy do they look delish! I’d love to make this super easy beet chip recipe, how fabulous! Or can you imagine Beet Hummus from the Minimalist Baker Website and Avocado (which have been great at ALDI) !!! Hallelujah! I love it…. I think they would both rock with the Splash!

beet hummus with avocado on toast

Tomatoes are super fabulish during the Summer, my Mom’s neighbor fills our bellies full with his homemade salsa with his truckloads of tomatoes! We love you, Jerry!! But what’s easier than salsa is a fabulous fresh Pizza! This one is from Damn Delicious and doesn’t it just hurt your feelings, it looks so good!

Or check out the Margherita pizza from The Craving Chronicles (who wouldn’t love that name?) I don’t care what you name your pizza as long as I can have a slice after you make it… I’m happy! Can you imagine some arugula on top, wow wee woo! Greens are great year round but I load up on greens in the Summer for instant energy!

Well till we meet again let these recipes and fabulous pictures keep you busy dreaming up more good things to do with your Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oils.

Talk soon,

Miriam and Kristi


Here’s another way we can help you.

If you are running low on your Splash and you won’t be out at one of our shows in Michigan you can grab a 4 pack with Free Shipping on our Etsy website. www.vigoacuisine.etsy.com


How to get more energy naturally


How can I get more energy? I’m tired of energy drinks and they aren’t good for me anyway and you can only drink so much coffee! There are energy pills and potions and then there’s just pushing your way through until you drop in a heap on the couch.

Believe it or not, what you eat really does impact your energy levels, and it all starts in the morning.

Kristi: If I eat a doughnut or pancakes I might as well say… night night buttercup! If I have a bagel with cream cheese I might swing it but I can only eat half at a time.

Miriam: Really the best way to start the day is with a protein a carb and a fruit for fiber. Hows a couple of eggs a little oatmeal and a tangerine or apple sound? I know for me I have to have protein in the A.M to last the day.


Here’s a list of four ways you can have more energy throughout the day.

  • Eat at regular times, don’t skip meals, avoid processed carbs & chemical laden foods.
  • Control your stress use meditation or breathing exercises to ease your mind
  • Lighten your load, share your concerns with a friend then let it go, usually what you worry about never happens, but it does zap your energy worrying about it all day.
  • Talk to yourself! Yep talking to yourself in a certain way helps regulate your emotions relieving stress. But there’s a technique!

One of my favorite ways to get more energy naturally is Eating!!! Yeah me!

Natural juice in the blender is much better than a juice which strips the fiber out of the veggies. I love to throw a carrot in the blender with a handful of baby greens and a chunk of ginger and slice of lemon. Instant energy! Skip the store-bought juice as it’s like candy bars in a cup!

Also a nice bit of apple with peanut butter or a handful of walnuts and pecans maybe a bit of blueberries on top of a peanut butter sandwich, and a bit of cheese.

Oh okay, now I’m hungry!

Gotta run,

Till next time, Miriam and Kristi


Whenever you’re ready here’s another way we can help you.

If you are in Michigan we will be doing shows throughout July here in Michigan and we would love to see you. Let us know where you’re at and we can tell you if we have a live event near you! We will be in Elk Rapids on June 21st for a great show!


If you need more Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oil you can grab a 4 pack with Free shipping on www.vigoacuisine.etsy.com.

Need larger orders? Grab a 6pack for 10.00 Flat Rate or a case of 12 for Free Shipping on www.vigoacuisine.com


Lab Made Burgers







Sounds like it’s science fiction right? Something from a late night movie when nothing else is on t.v. Well, welcome to the future. They are now growing meat in labs and expect that by 2020 it will be available on grocery store shelves.

So here’s the deal. They take a sample of stem cells out of the muscle of the cow and put it in a petri dish and they feed the cells and the cells grow. Then they layer the laboratory muscles together add coloring and fat and make a hamburger. :-}

The idea behind it is that it’s more efficient to feed people meat from a laboratory than from a cow as a cow takes up a lot of room, 28 times the room to be precise, and lots more food to produce food, not to mention the stinky butane production.

It’s interesting to say the least. Here’s the video for the “Lab-burger-tory”

Would you eat a hamburger from a “lab-burger-tory” I wonder if they would serve it with a real tomato or maybe just a 3D copied tomato 😉

Hope all is well with you and yours.

We are heading up North for our Summer tours, maybe we’ll see you up there. Do you live in Florida or up North?

talk soon,

Miriam and Kristi


Whenever you’re ready, here’s two more ways we can help you.

Our Canary Island Olive Oil is now sold in Lucky’s Markets as well as Whole Foods Markets.

If you rather not run around looking for your favorite flavor of Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oils you can grab a 1/2 case for 10.00 Flat Rate Shipping or a whole case for Free shipping on our Website www.vigoacuisine.com\

Prefer the Artisan Market of Etsy we now have all our books as well as all our flavors on Etsy 

Also our third book:

There’s No Food in Your Food: Do you strip paint with it or feed it to your children?             is now available on Amazon as well as our Etsy site.


How to get rid of a Headache

June is Migraine and Headache Awareness Month

Headaches 101

We have all had them and I know I have caused more than one of them as well 😉 It is one of the top reasons why people call in sick every day. Well, let’s break it down. There are two categories of headaches.

Primary Headaches and Secondary Headaches.

According to the National Headache Foundation, 37 Million people suffer from a Migraine and headache. This form of a headache can be debilitating and as yet there is no known cure. Different things trigger people in different ways. Stress may bring them on for some people or a change in hormones even food allergies can bring them on.

These types of headaches fall into the primary headache category. The secondary category includes neck injuries tumor or other pathologies that would need more intensive treatment so we will focus on the primary headaches for this article.

Although it’s not a cure there are some acupuncture and acupressure points that have been found to be effective for many people.


Since most of us can’t do acupuncture on ourselves at home or in the office, let’s just stick with acupressure 😉

There are several points in the face that are very effective, I actually used this a lot after long hours at the computer.

These are suggestions from a great article from Choice Chiropractic and Wellness Center, P.C from Pennsylvania.

Your third eye. Using your thumb put pressure on your third eye area which is located smack dab in between your eyebrows. Now we aren’t talking about trying to snap a snap closed on your jeans, not that kind of pressure, a light pressure is sufficient.

Under your Eyebrows. This is my favorite one, I do this and I almost immediately get relief. It is located under your eyebrow slightly inside the ridge closer to your third eye. Apply gentle rubbing pressure I prefer circular in nature.

Under your Cheekbones. According to Choice Chiropractic, “These points are located near your nostrils, exactly below the pupil. These points provide the quickest relief for serious headaches.”

Have you ever had a stress-related headache like this guy hunkered over his laptop? We just finished our third book and there were several times I looked just like that guy! How funny I keep my coffee on the left as well. I started having tension headaches after I realized I was staring at the computer for hours and hours on end.

According to the American Migraine Foundation 1 in 4 households, 1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men suffer from Migraines.

I know for me stress and relaxation play a big part. Nothing helps more than a great massage and deep breathing a nice walk in a calming park or hitting the yoga mat.

Foods that help with a headache

This is a great article from Woman’s Day,


“Dehydration is a major cause of headaches, explains Stella Metsovas, BS, CN, a nutritionist in private practice in Laguna Beach, California. So instead of popping a pain pill next time your head throbs, consider reaching for water-rich foods, like watermelon. “The natural water contained in both fruits and vegetables contains essential minerals, like magnesium, that are key in headache prevention,” she says. Try this tasty, hydrating watermelon smoothie: In a blender, combine 2 cups seeded watermelon chunks, 1 cup cracked ice, ½ cup plain yogurt, a drizzle of honey and ½ tsp grated ginger. Blend and enjoy. (Bonus: The ginger can help ease headache-induced nausea symptoms!) Other foods with high water content include berries, cucumber, melon, soups, oatmeal, tomatoes, and lettuce.”


Grab a Big Salad

Salads are lush with water-bearing ingredients, chuck it full of cucumbers and crunchy organic romaine and spinach and baby greens. Toss in some tri-color peppers and radish and tomatoes. I love to throw in a bit of cilantro and drizzle with Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oil a splash of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar it’s the only vinegar we use, and a touch of Honey.

That ought to perk you right up!

Take good care and stay connected,

Miriam Vigoa and Kristi Linebaugh


Here are two more ways we can help you.

If you would like Free shipping on larger orders (a case) of Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oil you can now get it on our website. www.vigoacuisine.com

AAAAAND Drum Roll Please!!!

Our third book, There’s No Food in Your Food, is now available on Amazon!







#ArtFestival in Viera… Exciting News


Join us this weekend any time 10-5 April 21-22, 2018 

Some exciting News!! First off if you ar near Viera (Melbourne) this weekend we would love to see you at this spectacular Art and Craft Festival www.artfestival.com this is the only time this year we will be in the area, I do hope to see you this weekend. Join us anytime between 10-5 Saturday or Sunday!

Now for the EXCITING NEWS!!

We just added our starter pack to our Etsy site. So often we have customers asking for our cookbook in physical form at the shows. So now available…. on our \

Vigoa Cuisine Etsy site, you can grab a 3 pack of your favorite flavors and a cookbook as well as a dispenser. I hope you like the new pack. I think you’ll really like the price! We don’t offer this anywhere else. 🙂

Let me know what type of recipes you would like for our next book. Talk soon, I hope to see you this weekend.

Miriam and Kristi


Here are 4 more ways we can help you when you’re ready.

We participate in the Small Farmers Program now with

Whole Foods Markets in Florida and Lucky’s Markets in Florida 

Are you near Winter Haven Florida you can grab some Splash

The Cheese Room Winter Haven

Health Food Center of Winter Haven


3 Easy Ways to Lower Blood Pressure


A healthy way to start the weekend! We are all ready for the week to wrap it’s self up and send us off into weekend bliss. 😉 Okay so Miriam and I will be working on the weekend, but we do love seeing all our customers so I can always pretend… it’s a party!

We get lots of requests for healthy ways to live, we hear a lot of people wanting to get off blood pressure medicine and other drugs. So here is a real quick read and a few simple steps you can take today to help lower your blood pressure.

Now, remember we are not doctors and we don’t even play doctors on t.v.! 😉

Start here.

1.) Go for a good walk.

Instead of running errands on your lunch break. Strap on your walking shoes and head out for a brisk walk. If you are in an area that is not conducive to walking, do what my Mom does on rainy and snowy days. Run over to your local grocery store and take a 30-minute walk around the outside of the aisles. Just steer clear of the Twinkie aisle.

Hypertensive patients have been able to lower their blood pressure because the exercise helps the heart use oxygen better so it doesn’t have to do so much work when it’s pumping blood to all the important parts! Shoot for 30 minutes a day slowly increasing speed and time so you are always giving yourself a challenge.

2.) Relax with a bit of Jingle Jangle

Use music to relax and bring down your blood pressure naturally. According to research done at the University of Florence in Italy, the right music can lower your blood pressure. Listening to soothing bossa nova, classical or Indian music for 30 minutes while doing deep breathing lowered systolic readings by 3.2 points and after another month the reading had further improved by lowering 4.4 points.

Truth be known I’m listening to a little Bossa Nova right now.

3.) Be Salt Savvy

We hear a lot of customers tell us, it is important to have salt, it’s no good to go totally salt-free. Her’es the deal McNeal. You can never go 100% salt-free.

Here’s why.

Everything you eat when you eat premade or eat out, it’s already chock full of salt and “fake salt” (that’s a whole nother topic) So there is no way you won’t get “enough” salt. When you eat out you can get up to 3,000mg of sodium. And, “Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.”…err I mean yes, high blood pressure is related to sodium intake.

There are people that are more sensitive than others, elderly and African Americans and people with a history of hypertension in their families surely need to steer clear of salt. But, in reality, there isn’t a surefire way to tell who is and who isn’t sensitive to sodium intake… so let’s all be on the safe side… and cut that out 🙂

So shoot for below 1,500mg a day if you really would like to truly lower your blood pressure. How do you do that? Well… I hate to break the news to you it’s a very difficult and a long and tedious process that only professionals can help you with…

Are you ready for the news?

You have to start cooking at home. See, that wasn’t too bad. Much less traumatizing than all the doctors visits poking and prodding and gulping handfuls of pills and potions. Simply pop a little Splash in the pan with a little zucchini, onion, tomato, eggplant if you like and add a little chicken, saute and pour everybody over a nice organic salad.

Drizzle a little Splash (Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oil) over your greens a dab of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar and a drizzle of Honey. Hallelujah! THat’s some kinda good eating and the sodium won’t leave you feeling like you ate a salt lick for lunch.


Here’s the even gooder news! 😉 Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oil has only 15mg of sodium per serving (almost a tablespoon is the serving) and even better… drum roll please… 10mg of sodium is considered salt free… so 15mg is lip-smacking heart healing good!

Hope you like the tips, Let me know what health info would help you the mostest.

Talk soon,

Miriam and Kristi


Here’s another way we can help you when you’re ready.

Call us for 5.00 shipping when you order 2 bottles of Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oil simply call 1.800.975.2677 ask for “5.00 shipping on 2 bottles.” We’ll make you feel right at home, actually, we’ll ship it right to your home. 😀

Or if you rather join us for a live event. We will be in Fort Myers this weekend at the Bell Tower Shops Saturday and Sunday 10-5 for an Awesome Art and Craft Festival the date is March 24-25th

When you’re ready here’s three more ways we can help you,
We are now sold in all the Lucky’s Markets in Florida
Find a location near you  ((A new one just opened in Claremont))
carries all three of our flavors
carries our Splash
We are also participating in the small farmer’s program
with Whole Foods Grocery Stores in Florida
Our cookbook is now available in
format on
our Etsy website.
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Thank you for being our customer!  If you have a friend or family
member that suffers from inflammation and you think they
 would benefit from knowing about our oils, please
share us with them. We appreciate you and thank you in advance
Miriam and Kristi