3 Easy Ways to Lower Blood Pressure


A healthy way to start the weekend! We are all ready for the week to wrap it’s self up and send us off into weekend bliss. 😉 Okay so Miriam and I will be working on the weekend, but we do love seeing all our customers so I can always pretend… it’s a party!

We get lots of requests for healthy ways to live, we hear a lot of people wanting to get off blood pressure medicine and other drugs. So here is a real quick read and a few simple steps you can take today to help lower your blood pressure.

Now, remember we are not doctors and we don’t even play doctors on t.v.! 😉

Start here.

1.) Go for a good walk.

Instead of running errands on your lunch break. Strap on your walking shoes and head out for a brisk walk. If you are in an area that is not conducive to walking, do what my Mom does on rainy and snowy days. Run over to your local grocery store and take a 30-minute walk around the outside of the aisles. Just steer clear of the Twinkie aisle.

Hypertensive patients have been able to lower their blood pressure because the exercise helps the heart use oxygen better so it doesn’t have to do so much work when it’s pumping blood to all the important parts! Shoot for 30 minutes a day slowly increasing speed and time so you are always giving yourself a challenge.

2.) Relax with a bit of Jingle Jangle

Use music to relax and bring down your blood pressure naturally. According to research done at the University of Florence in Italy, the right music can lower your blood pressure. Listening to soothing bossa nova, classical or Indian music for 30 minutes while doing deep breathing lowered systolic readings by 3.2 points and after another month the reading had further improved by lowering 4.4 points.

Truth be known I’m listening to a little Bossa Nova right now.

3.) Be Salt Savvy

We hear a lot of customers tell us, it is important to have salt, it’s no good to go totally salt-free. Her’es the deal McNeal. You can never go 100% salt-free.

Here’s why.

Everything you eat when you eat premade or eat out, it’s already chock full of salt and “fake salt” (that’s a whole nother topic) So there is no way you won’t get “enough” salt. When you eat out you can get up to 3,000mg of sodium. And, “Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.”…err I mean yes, high blood pressure is related to sodium intake.

There are people that are more sensitive than others, elderly and African Americans and people with a history of hypertension in their families surely need to steer clear of salt. But, in reality, there isn’t a surefire way to tell who is and who isn’t sensitive to sodium intake… so let’s all be on the safe side… and cut that out 🙂

So shoot for below 1,500mg a day if you really would like to truly lower your blood pressure. How do you do that? Well… I hate to break the news to you it’s a very difficult and a long and tedious process that only professionals can help you with…

Are you ready for the news?

You have to start cooking at home. See, that wasn’t too bad. Much less traumatizing than all the doctors visits poking and prodding and gulping handfuls of pills and potions. Simply pop a little Splash in the pan with a little zucchini, onion, tomato, eggplant if you like and add a little chicken, saute and pour everybody over a nice organic salad.

Drizzle a little Splash (Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oil) over your greens a dab of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar and a drizzle of Honey. Hallelujah! THat’s some kinda good eating and the sodium won’t leave you feeling like you ate a salt lick for lunch.


Here’s the even gooder news! 😉 Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oil has only 15mg of sodium per serving (almost a tablespoon is the serving) and even better… drum roll please… 10mg of sodium is considered salt free… so 15mg is lip-smacking heart healing good!

Hope you like the tips, Let me know what health info would help you the mostest.

Talk soon,

Miriam and Kristi


Here’s another way we can help you when you’re ready.

Call us for 5.00 shipping when you order 2 bottles of Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oil simply call 1.800.975.2677 ask for “5.00 shipping on 2 bottles.” We’ll make you feel right at home, actually, we’ll ship it right to your home. 😀

Or if you rather join us for a live event. We will be in Fort Myers this weekend at the Bell Tower Shops Saturday and Sunday 10-5 for an Awesome Art and Craft Festival the date is March 24-25th

When you’re ready here’s three more ways we can help you,
We are now sold in all the Lucky’s Markets in Florida
Find a location near you  ((A new one just opened in Claremont))
carries all three of our flavors
carries our Splash
We are also participating in the small farmer’s program
with Whole Foods Grocery Stores in Florida
Our cookbook is now available in
format on
our Etsy website.
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Thank you for being our customer!  If you have a friend or family
member that suffers from inflammation and you think they
 would benefit from knowing about our oils, please
share us with them. We appreciate you and thank you in advance
Miriam and Kristi

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