Summer Grilling Tips

grilled shishkabob with tomato mushrooms and tofu

Summer is always better with good friends and good food! Miriam and I love to grill out while we are on our Summer tour. Walleye or Salmon or chicken on the grill, what’s not to love? Whether you use Gas or Charcoal remember to get that grill Hot so the meat and veggies sear when you pop them on there.  Pre-heat the grill for 15-20 minutes for best results. Always clean your grill to get any leftover chars off of there before adding new food.

Keep it Healthy

Steer clear of burning or charring your meats on the grill. According to research not cooking your meat till it burns will help protect against the potential risk of cancer. Also marinating your meat (try marinating is Hot Splash!!) as well as avoiding processed meat and cooking smaller portions to avoid prolonged cooking times, will help you help yourself 😉

grilling hamburgers

To avoid potential flare-ups of the flames when grilling, trim the fat off meats and take the skin off the chicken. By keeping the flames down you will reduce the risk of charring. If all else fails to keep a squirt bottle nearby to tame the flame.

Of course, don’t forget adding fruit and veggies to your BBQ, Miriam loves grilling pineapple and peaches to add to a big salad drizzled with Splash.  Now you got your greens you’re good to go!

grilling corn and zucchini and steak

So here’s to great grilling and enjoying the family and taking a little time to just kick back and relax. I think that’s what the Summer is supposed to be for right? 😉

Let us know how you’re doing.

Talk soon,

Miriam and Kristi


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