Weightloss secret in 3 seconds


Black Eyed pea soup with Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oil http://www.vigoacuisine.com

I have a secret for weightloss that you probably won’t believe, but when I tell you the results you will swear it’s the best kept secret on earth.
I have struggled with my weight my Entire life.
Not just now not just 15 or 20 lbs.  I have at my biggest been 240 at my smallest 155.
I haven’t been under 200 lbs since I was in my 20’s, I’m in my 40’s now.

In our second book:
There’s No Food in Your Food:
Do you strip paint with it or Feed it to your children.

Miriam and I talk about her plan she designed for me to lose weight.

I went from 214 to 168 over the summer and have kept it off for over a year and a half. The book breaks down the land mines that we can avoid.

But I promised you a secret so I want to tell you now.
The secret is it takes 3 seconds to decide Not to turn into the gas station and get donuts it takes 3 seconds to keep walking past the potato chip aisle in the grocery.
It takes 3 seconds to look at something other than the candy bars in the check out.

The weightloss struggle is less of a fight when you don’t start the wrestle to begin with.
Focus on 3 seconds at a time. It adds up in ways you have only dreamt of…until now.
Talk soon
Please share with your friends and family.

#weightloss #saladrecipes #steakfordinner #grassfedbeef #organicveggies #loveyourself #encouragement #inspiration #canaryislandoliveoil #vigoacuisine  #eatclean#weightlossjourney

Avocado a day takes the crazy away


Miriam: Now that is the most perfect avocado I have seen in a long time. Seems like so many of the avocados are all seed and no substance.

Kristi: I’ve known people like that!
Miriam/Kristi: ha ha ha

Miriam: Let’s tell them about your 30 lb weightloss. Avocados were involved.

Kristi: You know we haven’t shared your avocado recipe either. I know it sounds backwards. That eating fat helps you lose fat. But there is a little more behind the magic of the avocado. And your recipe just makes it stellar.

Miriam: Well you all know we talk to thousands of people a year. So many people are trying or have tried every diet known to man and some are just crazy. Remember the cabbage soup diet?

Kristi: oooh. I tried that. Once… I did herbalife, slimfast, gyms, O.A. But we will save that for another time. We get into that in our second book.

Miriam: It’s a great name for a book. So true it’s called. “There’s No Food in Your Food: Should you strip paint with it or feed it to your children?

Kristi: Yes. I like to say that is the book that was the ” spark that started the Fat burning Inferno!”
Back to the avocado.

The great thing about the avocado is it really helps you feel satiated. If you are losing weight half the battle is not feeling so hungry and angry that you will snatch somebody baldheaded!

Miriam:We can all relate to that! You always call that “crazy making.”  Feeling satisfied after a big leafy green salad with fresh veggies and some grilled chicken or steak with andvocado sounds like a dream, not a diet.

Kristi: Avocado helps you absorb the vitamins (carotenoids) from your other foods like peppers, tomatoes and greens. The fat and fiber help with inflammation which can help arthritis and heart health.

Miriam: Also inflammation and diabetes are related as well as triglycerides (fat in the blood) is an indicator of diabetes. Avocados help reduce insulin secretion and can help regulate blood sugar.

Kristi: The pulp closest to the skin has the most nutrients so if peeling the avocado with a knife don’t cut deep into the skin.

Miriam: My favorite way to eat it is to cut in half and twist to separate the sides. Grab a spoon and eat right out of the bowl (the skin) and scrape it clean.

A good avocado is easy to pick get one slightly hard and take home wait 2 days and when you press it with your thumb gently it should give slightly. You are in business.
Always keep the pit in if you can’t eat the whole thing and refrigerate in glass to keep fresh. A spritz of Braggs apple cider vinegar helps keep it from browning.

Kristi: I love your recipe Miriam. Chop avocado up sprinkle with the original Canary Island Garlic and Herb olive Oil a dash of braggs Apple Cider Vinegar and a sprinkle of Celtic Sea salt.
Love it!!

Miriam: I’m hungry. Let’s grab an avocado from that tree next to the office.
Kristi: Too late I already grabbed it’s ripening on the counter right now. I’ll race ya!! 1..2..goooo.

Thanks for joining us we will talk soon. If you know someone who would enjoy the info please share.
Bye bye!!!

#avocado #weightloss ##oprahweightwatchers #bellyfatcure #tinyandfull #vegan #veganbeforesix #anxietycure #lowsodium #bloodpressure #healthtips @canaryislandoliveoil

Christmas and New Year Gift Boxes..


Christmas time! New Years Gift boxes for your “Flavor-ite” people! I don’t know if you are like us. But the hustle and the bustle of this time of year is exciting and dizzying.
We are gearing up for
#aNewYearANew you
A lot of New Years Health options are rocking the brain. We are so passionate about making healthy – easy for you.
If you liked our first book, Shake Splash and Eat! Shockingly Simple Recipes..
You will love what’s coming……
It’s exciting you are totally gonna love the ease and flow of it.
Let us know what you’re thinking and how we can help.
Talk soon
Miriam amd Kristi
We will keep you updated