Lab Made Burgers







Sounds like it’s science fiction right? Something from a late night movie when nothing else is on t.v. Well, welcome to the future. They are now growing meat in labs and expect that by 2020 it will be available on grocery store shelves.

So here’s the deal. They take a sample of stem cells out of the muscle of the cow and put it in a petri dish and they feed the cells and the cells grow. Then they layer the laboratory muscles together add coloring and fat and make a hamburger. :-}

The idea behind it is that it’s more efficient to feed people meat from a laboratory than from a cow as a cow takes up a lot of room, 28 times the room to be precise, and lots more food to produce food, not to mention the stinky butane production.

It’s interesting to say the least. Here’s the video for the “Lab-burger-tory”

Would you eat a hamburger from a “lab-burger-tory” I wonder if they would serve it with a real tomato or maybe just a 3D copied tomato 😉

Hope all is well with you and yours.

We are heading up North for our Summer tours, maybe we’ll see you up there. Do you live in Florida or up North?

talk soon,

Miriam and Kristi


Whenever you’re ready, here’s two more ways we can help you.

Our Canary Island Olive Oil is now sold in Lucky’s Markets as well as Whole Foods Markets.

If you rather not run around looking for your favorite flavor of Canary Island Garlic Herb Olive Oils you can grab a 1/2 case for 10.00 Flat Rate Shipping or a whole case for Free shipping on our Website\

Prefer the Artisan Market of Etsy we now have all our books as well as all our flavors on Etsy 

Also our third book:

There’s No Food in Your Food: Do you strip paint with it or feed it to your children?             is now available on Amazon as well as our Etsy site.